BJP leaders, including Vijendra Gupta’s wife involved in Rs 2400 crore pension scam!
AAP demands a CBI probe into MCD pension scam
The Bharatiya Janata Party has turned the MCDs into massive dens of corruption. The leaders of the BJP have regularly used the MCDs as a cash cow, siphoning off huge sums of money from the municipal bodies at will. By conservative estimates, over the last ten years, a corruption scandal to the tune of a whopping Rs 2400 crore rupees, has come to light recently. The Central Information Commission held the wife of Delhi Vidhan Sabha Leader of Opposition, BJP leader Vijendra Gupta, in the case.
During a press conference held at the AAP’s state office, the party’s Delhi Convener Dilip Pandey said, “Over 600 people have been fraudulently given pensions in one municipal ward from the Palam Vidhan Sabha constituency. This shocking reality was exposed by our volunteers when they attempted to physically verify which persons were receiving pensions, and found that current beneficiaries were not even eligible for the pension. In Mundka, our volunteers found that old age pension was being disbursed in the name of an 8 year old. Numerous such cases of corruption have been exposed by our volunteers, who were investigating this phenomenon with very limited resources in just three wards of Delhi. There is no doubt about the fact that BJP leaders have been routing the hard earned tax money of the people of Delhi to their pockets in such a manner across all wards of Delhi. Based on one estimate, the scam by the BJP is massive in scale and as much as Rs 2400 crore rupees have been channeled by leaders of the party over the last ten years.”
Dilip Pandey backed up all the claims by presenting the CIC’s allegations of a pension scam against Vijendra Gupta’s wife Shobha Gupta, who is a MCD councillor in Rohini. Shobha Gupta’s role in the scam came to the fore when a pensioner stopped receiving his pension and filed an RTI about the issue. When the matter reached the CIC, a shocking revelation was made about the pensioner – his monthly income was over Rs 27,000. This case opened a can of worms of corruption in the North MCD’s. Dilip Pandey asserted that considering the fact that the BJP has been running all three MCDs for the last ten years, this pension scam is being run on a massive scale, to the tune of Rs 2400 crore. Vijendra Gupta has no moral ground left to speak on the issue of corruption. Instead of filing false and unsubstantiated complaints against the AAP Govt, he should now write to the ACB and Delhi Police asking for a thorough investigation into the MCD pension scam.
The AAP’s Delhi wing has written a letter to Delhi Chief Minster Arvind Kejriwal, requesting him to ask the CBI to probe the scam and ensure that all those involved in running this racket are punished severely.
-Aap Website